1. About cookies
2. How we use cookies
3. Accepting cookies
4. Your browser settings
5. Refusing cookies according to their purpose
6. Managing cookies using your browser add-ons
Azureva’s responsibility – and the purpose of this document – is to:
• advise you that we use cookies or other tracers;
• let you know what we use them for; and
• explain how you can disable or delete them.
Cookies are packets of data used by servers to send status information to a user’s browser and return status information to the original server through this same browser.
The status information can be a session identifier, a language, an expiration date, preferences, etc.
During their validity period, cookies are used to store status information when a browser accesses various pages of a website or when the browser returns to this website at a later point.
There are different types of cookies:
Session cookies, which disappear when you have finished browsing a site;
More permanent cookies, which are stored on your hard drive until they are scheduled to expire or you delete them.
We use cookies mainly for the following reasons:
Strictly necessary cookies, which provide a smoother browsing experience on our website, taking advantage of all of its features. Their main purpose is to:
manage authentication on our website and associated security, and ensure the proper functioning of the authentication module;
optimise the user experience and offer smoother navigation of our website, in particular by predicting navigation routes;
store the information that you have seen the cookie notice and continued browsing, thus agreeing to the storage of cookies on your device;
implement security measures (e.g. when you are asked to log in again to a service or content after a certain period of time, or to ensure that our website is functioning properly and its main technical features are being used, such as monitoring of performance and navigation errors, user-session management, etc.).
Feature cookies, whose purpose is to:
adapt our website to suit your device’s display preferences (language, display resolution, operating system used, web page display settings based on the device you are using and your location, etc.);
memorise certain information that you enter on our website, in order to facilitate and personalise your subsequent browsing sessions (e.g. displaying you name and surname if you have a user account and have previously logged in);
enable you to access the My Account area more quickly, by memorising your login details or any information which you have previously entered.
Tracking cookies, whose purpose is to improve your browsing experience by helping us to understand your interactions with our website (most visited pages, apps used, etc.); these anonymous cookies can enable us to generate statistics or test different displays with a view to improving the user-friendliness of our services.
Advertising cookies, which are anonymous and whose purpose is to:
offer you, in the advertising areas of our website, relevant targeted content which might be of interest (best deals, other destinations, etc.), based on your interests, browsing history, preferences, etc.;
limit the number of times ads are displayed.
Affiliation cookies, which identify the third-party website that redirected you to our website.
Social media cookies, placed by third parties, which enable you to share your opinion of our website or share its content on social media (e.g. ‘Share’ and ‘Like’ buttons from social media sites).
The social media apps present on our website can, in some cases, enable the corresponding social media sites to identify you, even if you have not clicked on the app buttons. In fact, this type of button can allow the social media site in question to track your browsing on our website, simply because you are logged into your account with the social media site in question (session active) while browsing.
We recommend that you consult the policies of these social media sites to find out for what purposes, in particular advertising, they collect browsing information. These policies should allow you to choose how these social media sites use your personal data, by enabling you to configure your user accounts for each of them.
Among the cookies that we use, the installation of tracking, advertising and social media cookies is subject to your consent. When you visit our website, you are informed that to browse the site you agree to the installation of cookies, which will be activated by default.
That information is contained in a notice that is displayed when you visit our website. The notice advises you that by continuing to browse our site you agree to the installation of cookies subject to consent on your device. That means, therefore, that if you leave our site without browsing it, no cookies that we use will have been installed.
Although most browsers are configured by default to accept the installation of all cookies, you can choose to refuse all cookies or else select which ones you agree to, depending on their origin. You can also configure your browser to accept or refuse cookies individually before they are installed.
Whatever your choice, you can delete the cookies from your device at any time, using your browser.
For each browser, the way to manage and delete cookies is different. It is set out in your browser’s help menu. Don’t forget to configure each browser on each of your different devices (tablets, smartphones, computers, etc.). Below are the instructions for managing cookies for the best-known browsers:
Internet Explorer™: http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies;
Safari™: http://www.apple.com/fr/privacy/use-of-cookies;
pour Chrome™: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647;
Firefox™: http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer%20et%20d%C3%A9sactiver%20les%20cookies;
Opera™: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html.
If your browser is configured to accept cookies on your device, the cookies included in the pages and content which you have consulted may be stored temporarily in a specific place on your device. Only the issuer of the cookies will be able to read them.
If your browser is configured to refuse all or some cookies, you may find that some features, pages or areas of our website are not be accessible or you may not have an optimum browsing experience.
If your browser allows it, you can also browse our website in private mode.
If you do not want to manage your cookies by changing your browser settings, below are the various options available to you for refusing cookies based on their purpose.
Tracking cookies
We use the tracking solutions of a number of companies. For each of them, you will find below a link to a page where you can find out more about these solutions and opt out of the cookies in question.
Google Analytics : https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en-GB
Google Adwords : https://support.google.com/ads/answer/2662922?hl=en-GB
Advertising cookies
A number of advertising platforms offer you the option of refusing to accept the cookies used by their affiliated companies. These centralised mechanisms do not stop ads from being displayed, but they prevent the installation of cookies enabling the ads to be personalised based on your interests.
One website that enables you to block the installation of these cookies on your device is http://www.youronlinechoices.com. This site is provided by members of the internet advertising industry belonging to the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), and is managed in France by Interactive Advertising Bureau France.
Social media cookies
On our website, you will find the social media sharing buttons listed below. For those which are activated, there is a link to a page where you can find out more about how these sites use cookies and how you can configure your account.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/about/ads
Google+: http://www.google.com/policies/technologies/cookies/
Pinterest: https://help.pinterest.com/fr/articles/personalization-and-data
Twitter: https://support.twitter.com/articles/20170518
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/access_tool/
There are many easy-to-use, free programs that can be added to your browser to enable you to block and manage all types of cookies. A few are listed below:
DoNotTrackMe: https://abine.com/donottrackme.html
Disconnect: https://disconnect.me
Ghostery: https://www.ghostery.com
Adblock: https://adblockplus.org
Azureva’s Privacy Policy can be viewed or downloaded from our website. Please read it through carefully. Privacy Policy

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